Thursday, May 20, 2010

We're learning to blog today

This is our task for Session 9. We have to do blogging. I guess they want the teachers to write. Sweats are running down like the Niagara Falls...Kay was afraid to enter her phone number....same as Amy. "I don't think so!!!", said Amy. Actually, she got 4 verification code already but the screen continue to display "SORRY, THERE SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM. PLEASE TRY AGAIN IN A FEW HOURS". Oh my god!!! I don't want to stay here.
At last...Kay entered her phone number...but she was facing the same problem as Amy...fuuhhh thank God! Zu.. on the other hand acts cooly like Johnny Depp (Kay's favourite actor).. emmm.. I just wonder weather she's really cool or just waiting for the session to end...

Monday, May 17, 2010


Last week.. tiga hari Mummy sibuk ngan Softball. Hari ni.. bila masuk kelas.. Mummy terus tulis kat white board kerja yg perlu murid buat dari Selasa hingga Khamis (kali ni Mummy kena pergi kursus pula). Jadi.. sebelum pergi.. sediakan murid dengan tugasan. Habis mencatat.. Mummy pun tanya...
"Any questions that you want to ask?"
Ada la pulak budak yang angkat tangan...
"Err.. teacher... I.. err.. we have a question..."
"Kenapa muka teacher HITAM?"
Boleh tak Mummy jerit je... apa awak sibuk?
Control...ceh! Dengan control macho nye Mummy tanya...
"Tak de la... muka teacher.. err... HITAMnye... tak macam dulu... kenapa teacher?"

Waaaaa.... obvious sangat ke keHITAMAN ku ini???

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Softball Bwh 12 tahun

Semalam.. hari ni dan esok.... mari kita beramai-ramai bersantai di atas padang. Kejohanan Softball MSSMKL sudah bermula bagi bawah 12 tahun. Sekolah Mummy hantar 2 team.. iaitu lelaki dan perempuan.
Memang masak dibuatnya bermain di padang dari pagi sampai ke petang.

Kalah menang lain kira.. posing tetap posing! Yeahaa...

Apa yang penting.... KERJASAMA!

We want 'V' !


Ni team lelaki... Wariors!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Atfal's Sports Day 25.4.2010

This was Shu'aib's first Sports Day since he just started schooling. Unfortunately he was down with fever a week before the event. He had high fever and his gums was swollen and he barely eat/ drink.  I guess he missed his school very much coz he kept saying about Atfal since the day he fall sick. He did cry a few times.. asking why he couldn't go to school.

Parents and families were invited to the event and the teachers did a tremendous job preparing the costumes for each kids. We did came to the Sports Day though Mummy were also down with fever and Daddy just came back from Singapore. I guess a promise is a promise :-)

Off we went to Ampang Sports Complex around 8.50 a.m. Shu'aib were not happy since we were not using the usual route to Atfal. He kept saying..

" bukan jalan tadika Shu'aib.. Shu'aib nak pegi Atfal"

Well... it was not a good sign though!!! When we reached there.. he started crying after the registration. He refused to stop even though the teachers / Mummy / Daddy gave some encouragements... hehehe...

Look at Shu'aib.. nice tentacles and belt for Jupiter (yellow house). He also had two ballons hanging at his back. Jupiter has a robot as their mascot.

Daddy tried to persuade him taking part in the event.

He did join in the middle of the parade and first round of the event...but started crying when he couldn't find us ;-P

Suhail was the one who has the spirit to join the event.. but you are too small dear!
Next year perhaps!

Anyway.. at least Shu'aib did try to participate... but we guess he was too afraid of the new environment and the loudness of the wisels and people cheering from futsal match.
You have to have fun playing or it’s just not worth it... isn't it?
Good try Shu'aib.. may be next year you'll participate through out the event.. insyaAllah...